Thursday, March 26, 2009


1st, last 2weeks...
geng matrik aku dl...
den, smlm aku jmp geng2 usm aku...
i really2 hepi c all my frens...
kwn2 yg dh lm aku xjmp...
yg sm2 ssh n sng 1 ketika dl...
yg suka lepak sm2...
suka mgabiskn duit sm2...
sm2 lepak aney (aney feberet wahid)...
2org cosemet aku grad...
mahzan n uzir...
n also my best gurlfrens...
pokme (also geng ms matrik dl gak)...
congrats for u'll...
sgt hepi dpt jmp korg...
jmp wahid, cik moon, fari, afiq, asri n also cd...
lupe sorg lg...
even ko jmp ktorg kjap je...
siap bwk awek lg..
xleh blah btol...


after konvo...
n sesi2 bgambo ngan poyo nye...
afiq belanje ktorg mkn...
exlusive sgt tmp tu...
tp aku lupe lak restoran tu
restoran pen mutiara kot klu xslp...
at batu maung...
thanx ek afiq...

den, wahid wat sengal lak...
nk tgk laut tgh2 rembang...
xnk mhampakn nya...
yg ssh dtg dr ipoh...
ktorg pn g la queensbay...
den, smpt lg msk queensbay...
smata2 nk beli tuttt...
best sgt dpt hang out ngan korg sume...
bl lak leh wat lg kn...
luv u'll....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

...journey to the east...

last wekend is very2 the very tiredddd wekend...
14hb my gurlfren, biey aka habibah kawen...
biey ni kwn aku ms matrik...
merangkap roomet aku dolu2...
me, farl, ain, nabil n eija
went to her wedding at klate...
klate beb...

my journey stat last thursday...
from kedah to kl...
den from kl to klate...
ktorg gerak g klate awl pg sabtu...
bout' 430 am (awl giler kn)...
be4 went to klate...
aku cuma smpt tido sjam je..
ni sume gara2 dating x ingat dunia ar...
pdn muka aku...

ktorg smp klate lbh krg pkul 1 tgh hari...
bout 8 hour dlm kete...
berasap gak la bontot aku...
time ksh la kpd 'kwn ain'...
kerna beliau la ktorg tpaksa mlalui jln alternatif...
sape2 yg nk g klate...
tlg la jgn ikut jln alternatif tu...
bek korg ikut je jln indie...

malas la nk taip pjg...
so, cm besa...
lets pict tell the stories....

at lobi hotel be4 g umah b...
muka sorg2 ttp bseri n cun melecun...
even time tu tgh ngantuk+ penat + lapo thp cipan...

yeah akhirnye...
ktorg bjaya gak smp umah b...
seb bek time ktorg smp tu pgantin laki xsmp lg...
so, smpt la tgk dorg bsanding...
mmg len giler la biey time ni...
sweet sgt2...
ilang abis sgala kganasan nya...
ni wat aku x sabo nk kawen ni...

biey n wan...
semoga berbahagia...
n kekal ke akhir hayat....

after blk dr umah biey...
ktorg trs pengsan...
bgn2 trs bsiap nk g jln2 klate...
pokme bwk ktorg g mkn kt sate msia...
sate blackpaper dia mmg sdp giler...
mmg rugi la sape yg xmkn...

time ni at lobi again...
wait for pokme...

at sate msia...
waiting for our food...
cm pelik je kn name restoran ni...

after mkn2 g jln2 kt wakaf che yeh...
bsr giler tmp tu...
xsgup ktorg nk jln lm2...
bek blk tido...hehhee

d' nex day...
ktorg g shoping lg...
at psr ct khadtijah(btol ke aku spell ni)...
org ckp ni la tmp wajib klu g klate...

at pasar ct khadtijah...

infront our hotel...
juita hotel...
perhatian kpd sape2 yg g klate...
tlg la jgn dok hotel ni...
x best lsung...
dh la agk mahal...

dats all la...
bpjg la plak entry kali ni...
nsb la sape2 yg bc tu...

im hepi to be at ur wedding...
dpt jmp ktorg sume...
luv u guys...

nk kawen gak...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


lg 2ari aku akn btemu ngan chinta ati ku...
my hunny bunny...
my everthings...
my pakwe...
aku sgt2 hepi smp xtau nk ckp pe...
i'm speechless...

xsabo nye nk tgu ari kamis...
i miss u damn much...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

...bosan2 wat tag...hehe

wut is the relationship of u n him
ermm...very complicated..only me n him yg tau...hehhe

your 5 impressions towards him
suka mbebel...suka mgarah...kuat jeles...naughty...kuat nyakat...

the most memorable things he had done for you
forgive me after i've done something wrong ( a little 'curang' )..hehhee..

the most memorable things he has said to you
ermmm...tah ler, byk sgt la plak...segan la nk stori kt cni...hehhe

if he becomes your enemy, you will question

if he becomes your enemy, the reason is

the most desirable thing to do on him
accept him after what he has done to me...even sume org said i should break wif him...

how do you think the people around u think about u
ask dorg la...hehhe

the character of you for yourself is
ckp byk...hehhe..

the character you hate of yourself is
suka smpn sorg2 n xnk gtau awl2..last2 kantoi gak..hhehe

the most ideal person that u want to be is
ofkoss la me...hehhe

send this tag to

Sunday, March 1, 2009

utang tag yg br nk byr...hehe

5 characteristics of your dream guy
- good smile
- tall than me...maklum la i kn xbape nk tgi...hehhe
- pandai wat lwk...
- chinese look (xtau la nape aku suka laki cmni)hehe
- gentlemen

5 characteristics dat u never like in a guy
-berlagak nk dia tu bgs sgt la...
-ckp x serupa bikin...

5 feelings u have when u're out wif the one u admire
-hepi sgt2...
-mula gelabah...xtau nk wat reaksi cmne...hehe
-over xcited...
-rs cm nk lompat2...hehhe

5 places that u want to travel wif your love one
-bali, indonesia
-jepun (coz my pakwe xcited nk g sana...hehe)
-sume tmp yg ad pantai...coz i luv beach...hehhe

5 special things dat u would give to your love one
- my kasih syg, my luv yg x bbelah bg..juz for n 4ever...
my kepercayaan...hrp2 dia xwat something bad behind me...
cd yg ad pict aku, him n kami b2...hehhe
- cap tp xpnah tgk dia pkai pn :(
- the lastest yg aku bg, suar jeans levi's...n dia nmpk cm suka je dpt suar tu...n i hepi to give him dat suar...hehhe

5 songs that u will sing for your partner
-ermmmmmmmmmmm...sume lagu kt radio yg kuar when i wif him...

5 frenz dat u wanna tag
- sape2 la yg rs nk wat tag ni...hehhe