last tuesday...
dapur bonda hired a new worker...
coz alif dh benti...
his name is am...
what make him unik is...
dia bisu + pekak...
very interesting kn...
ktorg xcited nk bkomunikasi ngan dia...
1day dia keja...
ktorg dh stat belajar bhs isyarat...
rs sonok sgt dpt belajar benda br...
sbnrnye dh lm dh aku tringin nk belajar...
coz i luv to see they talk wif each other by using their hand...
juz by their hand...
i will continue learn bout it...
mn la tau 1day...
aku leh keje kt rtm...
jd tukang alih bhs utk org bisu + pekak...
dapur bonda hired a new worker...
coz alif dh benti...
his name is am...
what make him unik is...
dia bisu + pekak...
very interesting kn...
ktorg xcited nk bkomunikasi ngan dia...
1day dia keja...
ktorg dh stat belajar bhs isyarat...
rs sonok sgt dpt belajar benda br...
sbnrnye dh lm dh aku tringin nk belajar...
coz i luv to see they talk wif each other by using their hand...
juz by their hand...
i will continue learn bout it...
mn la tau 1day...
aku leh keje kt rtm...
jd tukang alih bhs utk org bisu + pekak...
kisah amb pun tls lam blog hahaha
ikut suka i kn..hehhee
gelak sengsorg ak bc post neh.hahahahahahaha
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