Wednesday, October 21, 2009

after 4years...

mayb for sestgh org 4 years tu skejap...
but me it stilll lm...
klu g uni tu...
kompom2 dh dpt degree kn...

4years we have been 2gether...
share my half life wif him...
he always be wif me when i cry...
when laugh...
we share our hepi moments 2gether...
share our bad mements 2gether...

but suddenly he made a big changessss...
i know spttnya aku bsyukur...
coz dia brubah mjadi ssorg yg lebih bek...
lebih bek dr be4 ni...
but y after 4 years...
after aku dh tbiasa ngan peragai dia yg dl...
mayb btol la ckp org....
'hidayah' akan dtg bl2 ms shj...
(it's no me, ok)...

i still missing dia yg dl...
i miss YUSOP ABDUL JALAL yg dl...
yg akn pujuk aku bl aku nangis...
yg x kn mbebel2 kt aku...
yg x kn kontrol aku...
yg always wat aku hepi...
i miss dat man...
i miss u a lot....


mama yara. said...

4 years is actually quite a long time..

i wish happiness for both of u n usop=)

daie said...

but...xleh lwn ko ngan sharil kn...heheheh..thanx beb...